Can we indulge in being thankful for the long journey?

Hilo airport Hawaiian Air flight schedule monitor
Hilo to Honolulu – 1st of three flights and a short 15-hour travel day


Honolulu to LAX about to board
Honolulu to LAX about to board


Delta inflight map showing flight path to Orlando
Delta inflight map showing flight path to Orlando


Orlando pool with Teddy Bear on bright yellow raft
Home sweet home


Can we indulge in being thankful for the long journey?

Hilo to Honolulu, to Los Angeles, to Orlando.

Beats the alternative.

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TED Talk Brene Brown on vulnerability

Brene Brown speaks for 20 minutes at TED, on a simple notion that an idea that intuitively seems inaccurate, is in fact, accurate.

We are all vulnerable.

The two choices in how we use vulnerability determines fear, or joy, in our life.



Intuition is a powerful force. It’s been in place from day (a billion or so years ago) one to keep us alive.

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The weird thing about believing something is how we score on the toughest tests

Delta flight 38 MCO-ATL, February 11, 2013
Delta flight 38 MCO-ATL, February 11, 2013


The weird thing about saying we believe in something is how we score on the toughest of tests.

When our buttons get pushed do we have the wealth of attitude to react congruent with our noble beliefs?

Yesterday while boarding an (Orlando) Delta flight for the um-teenth time (like 300k miles-ish) with the trusty, company-issued roller bag, the Delta agent insisted the bag be checked.

Stunned, I mumbled, “Seriously?”

I believe we should be kind, patient, and generous with our calmness. It took everything I had. Seriously!

It was after midnight when the Iowa Marriott called to wake me up (gave the ok earlier) that the bag had finally arrived and was being sent directly to the room…

Today’s quick thought about our physical health is a click away, here.


Historical first post from a taxi cab (to Cafe Du Monde)

Hyatt Regency New Orleans cab ride to Cafe Du Monde and blogging about it
jeff noel is blogging for the first time ever in a taxi cab


Historical first post from a taxi cab (to Cafe Du Monde). Who cares, right?

And that’s the point isn’t it?

We go through our daily midlife routines, on auto pilot, no longer carrying that unbridled childlike wonder, nor  a sense of giddy excitement for doing ordinary things for the very first time.

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog