Was Perez Hilton Wrong Or Right?

When Perez Hilton withholds the Miss America crown because the Miss California contestant is Christian, would that sort of be like a Christian Judge withholding the crown because the Miss America contestant is Lesbian?

Funny how a certain standard could make the prophet look like a hypocrite.

A big part of what Perez needs to do is create controversy. It’s some of the best free marketing there is, and he is brilliant at using it. Of the 80 million blogs out there, Perez Hilton’s blog was number one in 2009.

For a reason. And I’m studying it, as well as this:

We can become so passionate and so blind by our own beliefs, that we commit the very sin we despise.

Want The New Buzz?

Springtime Singles Rebirth
Springtime Singles Rebirth

The new buzz isn’t from a can or a bottle.

The new buzz is from a ready and willing heart.

The long way is the short cut.

Baby Boomers and Gen X-er’s have the greatest opportunity to be a catalyst for positive change.

Old habits are hard to break and almost never broken.

As the saying goes, “Put up or shut up.”

The world needs role models who do more than talk about what needs to be done.

Are you that kind of person?

Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?

Crossroads @ Midlife?

Crossroads @ midlife? No, in this case it’s crossroads as in “school crossing”.

Jogging past a school crossing guard yesterday morning, I said, “Thank you for volunteering”.

She replied back, “Oh, I get paid, not much, but it is paid”.  We both smiled because of the busy location and time of day.

I ran another 15 seconds and doubled back to talk to her.

“Do you know what kind of opportunity you have to say something encouraging to each child (maybe 30+) that crosses”?

“Be a leader today”.  “Make a new friend today”.  “Do something really nice for someone today”, I gave as examples.

What if everyone got off auto-pilot on their jobs and started fulfilling their purpose while they did their job?

Ain’t mid-life great?

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