It takes a special mental attitude to be present and expectant

florida alligator at retention pond
This alligator is in the neighborhood of 10 feet long. Bicycling yesterday morning.


Florida alligator at retention pond
This gator would have been easy to miss. Was flying home from the gym on the bicycle and paying attention to safety.


It takes a special mental attitude to be present and expectant.

For example…

What is small, or maybe seems insignificant to us, can be the brightest spot in someone else’s day.

Happy New Day.

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Do this and the rest is easy

GapingVoid art
Could easily read: If you look after your attitude, the rest is easy.



What do people mean when they say, “Attitude is everything?”

What do people think when they hear, “Attitude is everything?”


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Who would you be if Facebook didn’t exist?

Siri screen
Just Siri it and find what you need.


Profound question…

Who would you be if Facebook didn’t exist?

Facebook provides everyone with a microphone (or megaphone).

Here’s the thing.

Generally, most vocal people treat their audience as if they bought a front row ticket to their show.

Think about it.

Do you have trouble sleeping at night because you can’t wait to log into Facebook in the morning and see everyone’s updates?

PS. Create a Facebook Page where your audience has to sign up. See how many likes you get then. Pretty scary ain’t it? What’s stopping you from creating a FB page? Rejection?

Just because it’s easy to shout doesn’t mean people like shouters.

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How much time do you spend in the sun?

vacation ad
The sun here is metaphorical for a bright positive attitude.


How much time do you spend in the sun?

Sun is metaphorical for positive attitude.

There was a time when i was not aware of how much time i was negative versus how much time i was positive.

Taking stock shocked me.

Then i set out, in 1999, to course correct.

(Note: a post like this stops – like it just did above -and then you are given a rare opportunity to take stock in your negative versus positive ratio. And then to smile and enjoy or then, perhaps, to roll up your sleeves and get to work.)


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Hate to break it to you

Quickbooks app
Want to rewind the clock to a simpler, easier, less stressful time?


Hate to break it to you…

A busy, stressful life is nothing new.

What’s new are the categories.

Neanderthal survival (time-consuming)  has been replaced with managing our finances – also known as having a job (time-consuming).

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