Time is a midlife quality?

White Lab at sea wall
He wants to come over the fence because he thinks his owner is not coming back.


Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at once. Lately it doesn’t seem to be working. – unknown

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Independent midlife heretic?

Will-A-Mar Orange Grove sign


(photo: when one season ends, another begins, so they say)

  1. Are we independent midlife heretics?
  2. Are we desiring independence from the Herd, status quo?
  3. Could there be such a thing as a midlife Independence day?

Yes, yes, and yes.

In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. – Mark Twain

Many critics, few patriots.

The cost of midlife personal responsibility is high.

The price of freedom in achieving it – priceless.

No one is going to climb our mountain for us.

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Three days until he sees 55

empty college town street
Looks and sounds different without distractions


To see what is right in front of us is one of life’s greatest challenges.

Why we struggle with this is a mystery.

What would happen to humanity if we could eliminate the phenomenon?

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This applies to anything anyone does with passion, purpose, and conviction

rare Florida wildflower
Something as insignificant as seeing beauty in the simple everyday things at our feet.


Try to imagine writing every day for five years. What’s going to happen after you’ve written six years, seven years, or even eight-plus years?

Being remarkable doesn’t mean that you are remarkable, it just means that you’ve done something that people remark about – hence remarkable.

This applies to anything anyone does with passion, purpose, and conviction.

And with something as small as attitude.

For example, all each of us has to do to test this theory is be completely positive everyday for five, six, seven, or even eight-plus years.

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