Ever heard of Bob Buford and Halftime?

Much of central Florida is flat. Making a hill?

fill dirt

Ever heard of Bob Buford and Halftime? A Twitter connection asked me the same question. Yeah, me neither. Bob’s message has been out for a decade or so. His website is slick. I like it. And I like that Bob’s trying to help people with the same challenges jeff noel (me) is.

Nothing new under the sun. The world is hot, flat (Internet-speak), and crowded.

Insight: Most of us retreat because of the last sentence.

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Most professional speakers are also writers, with ridiculous challenges to overcome

ernest hemingway
There was something captivating about Ernest Hemingway's style

Most professional speakers are also writers, but not all writers are speakers. Ernest Hemingway is not remembered for his oratory skills. And yet many claim he’s one of the greatest writers ever. Ever!

I do both, but hide the writing from the speaking. It’s weird. Not sure it has to be done this way. It feels safe. It also feels ridiculous. Writing about conundrums helps me process solutions, albeit slowly.

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Here are 20 Ernest Hemingway writing tips and tricks for being an effective writer. In between the lines are nuggets for you to process as you look for creative solutions to your own ridiculous challenges.

Dear Son (and Fellow Baby Boomers), The Toughest Fact To Accept Is That We Own Our Outcomes

Don't Be A Crash Test Dummy, Be In Charge

There are exceptions to every rule. However, no one is exempt from exercising regularly, it’s our personal responsibility. We are in charge, no one else. This is life’s toughest lesson because we take the test when it’s too late. Do most elders focus on regular exercise and moderate, healthy eating?

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