Some things are challenging to explain, like this photo. (Disney's Best Friends Pet Care)
Ever have one of those moments when someone asks, “How do you do it?” and you don’t really have a logical answer?
Last week, a few days before New Year’s, enjoying dinner, our friend asked how the blogging was going. Cheryl chimed in, “Jeff hit his 5,000th post on 11.11.11”.
Stacey then asked, “So you reuse some of your older posts?”
Pausing, and thinking for a moment, “No. There are recurring themes, over and over, but not the same stories.”
Scroll down for yesterday’s post or to leave here and visit the 2nd of 5 different blogs I write on Work/Life Balance, click next Blog
92 days ago on New Year's day 2012. Christmas decorations in the background.
Do you consider yourself set in your ways? Comfortable with same old same old? So, um, it doesn’t make sense writing five different blogs every day of the year. Crazy. “Why?”, you ask. Because work life balance has five components, not two.
On top of that, this month I’m writing three months in advance. Life is one grand experiment. Grab your safety goggles and lab coat. Let’s go.
Huh? Wait. Sure, it was 90 days ago. And no, this isn’t an April Fool’s Day prank. It’s a blogging, and life, experiment.
So how has 2012 been treating you? Have the first 90 days of this amazing opportunity been better than, about what, or less than, you expected?
I sincerely hope your answer is, “better than expected”.
This post goes a bit against my short and pithy mantra, as well as going against what some would say is conventional blogging wisdom.
You see, we must always find creative ways to get and stay motivated.
And to that end, I wonder every day how to do it. And also, how you do it.
So here’s a little secret. This post is 90 days old. And yes, it’s New Year’s Day morning. For real.
This month’s posts are a look at the future – 90 days out – and looking back to compare the two perspectives. Every post this month will be written exactly three months in advance.
This could be an epic failure, or a really interesting way to discover the undiscovered.