The Only Way To Turn Off Autopilot Is To Push The Button Ourselves

Yes I was driving, but had a junior photographer in the passenger seat

We Boomers can get stuck in any number of stereotypical midlife ruts. You know, deep down inside, this is one of our greatest lifetime challenges. Midlife Celebration is a daily reminder, a sort of  Boomer vitamin – to never quit. In the past 32 months, when was the last time jeff noel didn’t post five daily blogs to help you think?

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Midlife Celebration Celebrates Christmas And Small Daily Victories

Finding beauty in the day to day is our job. No one will hand deliver it to us.

Midlife Celebration celebrates Christmas everyday and gives thanks for each day that begins and ends with a positive attitude. You know the only person standing in the way of this is us. We are solely responsible. Sometimes I’m tempted to forget or disbelieve.

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(Mid) Life Is A Highway

Midlife Health & Wellness Is A Highway We Must Navigate Well

Navigating midlife’s health and wellness challenges doesn’t have to be boring, unattainable, difficult, unfulfilling. I’m doing it one day at a time and so can you.

It’s been awhile, so here’s a reminder: the person who helps actually gets the most help. jeff noel is driven to help others think, smile and be grateful. It’s contagious.

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We Can Do This!

We must drive through midlife with the resolve to finish well

Listen, the economy stinks, people are suffering, it’s hard to cope with all the uncertainty. Right? We can do this! One day at a time. We must believe this. We must.

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