“To yield and give way to our passions is the lowest slavery, even as to rule over them is the only liberty.” — Justin Martyr
Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
“To yield and give way to our passions is the lowest slavery, even as to rule over them is the only liberty.” — Justin Martyr
“Like a city whose walls are broken down, is a man who lacks self-control.” — Proverbs
There is no peace without forgiveness. No happiness without peace.
Watching the Winter Olympics this past weekend with our son (9), there was a special segment about 9/11, and the role that Gander (Canada) played in clearing American airspace.
It hit me very hard that our son had no clue what 9/11 was.
Shame on me.
Of course a mini history lesson began. You know what his first reaction was to the loss of 3,000 innocent lives and mass destruction?
Revenge. Typical human, emotional behavior. You and I have to exercise self-control, even in the worst of conditions.
Otherwise, there is none at midlife.
“Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything.” — Michael Jordan
This month’s “theme” is Self-Control.
Self-control is simply two things: Focus and Discipline.
We must never get bored, focusing on the basic, common sense things.
We must never tire of the discipline it takes to stay focused.
Focus and Discipline are the two hardest things in the world for humans to do.
Mid Life Celebration readers, it’s a privilege to welcome back Guest Blogger Lorie Sheffer, from Central Pennsylvania. Take it away Lorie:
“My new favorite TV show, Men of a Certain Age, recently asked the question, “At what age did you give your dreams away? At what age do you take them back?”
Think about it. What was your dream? Did you achieve it or did you give it away? Did the circumstances of life stand in the way? Did you even try? Did you revisit that dream and make it fit into your life in some unexpected way?
Some dreams seem silly, some seem heroic and some seem selfless. But all of them matter if they are something that is important to us. From American Idol to the Olympics to The White House, there are people who started with a dream. Every rehabilitation hospital is filled with folks whose dream it is to walk. Every AA meeting is filled with dreams of sobriety. From the streets of North Philadelphia to the sidewalks of Central City East in Los Angeles, people dream of a better life.
What is your dream? What WAS your dream? Over the next few blogs, I’d like to share stories of people who had dreams, and how they made them come true, most often in ways that they never expected.”
Thank you Lorie for getting us to think about our dreams and the dreams of others we know. See you again next Sunday at Mid Life Celebration.