1 MidLife Changing Secret

We see it everyday. Despair. Gloom. Frustration.

Midlife should be the time of our life, but it’s not.

The 1 midlife changing secret?

Give yourself a deadline. Literally.

This is probably going right over your head. Being a very busy person is great medicine for avoiding the pain of an unfulfilled life.

I’m giving myself until June 8, 2019.

(scroll down for yesterday’s post or visit my next blog, Lane 8 )

What If You Only Had 10 Years

It Doesn't Matter What I Think
It Doesn't Matter What I Think

What if you had only 10 years left to live?

  • Would you change anything?
  • What would you change?
  • Why would you change it?
  • What would you hope to accomplish?

None of us has tomorrow as a guarantee. But just for the sake of starting in a tangible place, can you envision a ten year plan?

I’m 1.5 years into mine.

There are many things that no longer seem so important. And many that now become very important when before they weren’t.

My guess is you’re living life from the bleachers, as a spectator sport.

Prove me wrong.

(Scroll down for next post or move to my next blog)

Wednesdays During Midlife

Wednesdays, during midlife give us the proverbial midweek check and balance.

Am I loving my job and excited to still have a few work days remaining, or is the week dragging and Friday feels like it will never get here?

For me, I feel the heavy load.

The heavy load of responsibility, not the heavy load of despair.

The clock is ticking. Yours and mine.

(scroll down for yesterday’s post or visit Lane 8 )

You’re Lucky To Have A Job

The other day I overheard a lunch conversation about how sick people are of hearing from their employers (for the past decade), “You are lucky to have a job!”

It’s true. People are sick of it.

It’s true. The employers are right.

Be the last to lose a contagiously positive attitude, and be the first to regain it.

Things will eventually get better.

Meanwhile, I’d like to offer a 3rd option.

Never lose it and continue to be the change you wish to see in others.

(scroll down or travel to Lane 8 )

9 Tips For A Good Blog

What makes a good blog? Many things.

Here are 9 blogging tips from Mid Life Celebration:

  1. Safe for children to read
  2. Predictable schedule
  3. Short
  4. Easy to read
  5. Thought-provoking
  6. Every photo by the author
  7. Every comment replied to
  8. Every email answered
  9. A balanced approach

Nine of the purposeful things Mid Life Celebration does to make a good blog.

(scroll down for yesterday’s Guest Blogger post, or click for Lane 8 )