Inspiration addiction

Disney Leadership Speaker jeff noel
Demand of yourself one thing – original thoughts (and original action). Photo: yesterday at Epcot’s Le Cellier


Our biggest challenge is our addiction to new ideas. Like buying a lottery ticket, briefly, there is hope. We hope that learning a new idea will solve our problem.

The next amazing quote.

The next best selling business book.

The next class.


One question. How has that worked out so far?

Photo: During a client dinner at Epcot yesterday, we were discussing how culture is an organization’s most prized possession – and how most company’s fail at thriving. And they fail because culture is invisible from the inside, but blatantly obvious to the customer. And in that moment, an original thought captured first on a paper napkin, then photographed as a backup.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Wisdom can strike at any time

Church auditorium
Places like this you expect to hear wisdom, but not at the ATT Store.


Wisdom can strike at any time.

Even at a retail store for a quick grab and go a few days ago.

Expected the interaction to last about three minutes. But because of karma, it lasted about 15.

“You can’t blame someone else”, is the wisdom his grandmother taught him as a child.

This begs three questions, “Do we blame? Who do we blame? And what are we going to do about it?”




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Facebook is really freakin’ me out

Cocoa Beach Pier old man surfer
Couple days ago at Cocoa Beach. We can easily drown in the sea of lifetime choices we are confronted with.


Facebook has really freaked me out this past year.

It’s unmanageable with the other commitments clamoring for attention in our lives; can’t keep up with all the activity. Does anyone else feel guilt, or struggle with this?

On Facebook, society at large presents their best foot forward, or their deepest grief. Do we try to keep up, daily, with hundreds of magic and tragic updates?

How often do active users have to look at their phones each day? And if it isn’t number of looks, then how much time is required, each day/week? And if we are just skimming, why? What’s the motive? To compare? To be rubberneckers on the highway of life?

What is this auto pilot reaction to “Like” so many things? i feel like i want to and that i should – it’s the friendly thing to do – but then i start wondering, “Do we post updates to see how many likes we can get, like some weird video game in pursuit of our high score?”

So yeah, pretty freaked out in 2015.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

The gift of freedom to learn your own mental lessons

Cocoa Beach Pier
Cocoa Beach Pier yesterday morning. Roughly a dozen surfers, barely visible, on the top wave swell.


This post is simple and direct.

We have a gift, freedom, and responsibility. The harsh reality is that only one person is responsible for our results.

The gift of freedom to learn our own mental lessons.

Life’s a beach?

And then we die.

Figure it out.

We have two simple choices.

It’s our responsibility to choose surviving or thriving.

No one is ever going to pick for us.

This will threaten some, and invigorate others.

This is also a clue, and our baseline understanding, of where we are on our journey.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Find a different attitude lane

i like giving quote
From Facebook yesterday: I like Giving


(If you are already vibrantly positive, you can skip this post.)

Find a different attitude lane.


Because our attitude determines how we define every single thing in our life.

Define my life with positivity, or drown in self-pity.

My choice is obvious.

The work, arduous.

And worth it.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Categorized as Dear Son