Blind is as blind does

Thumbs up at busy Disney intersection
A new generation of selfies from the other day.


Are we hell bent on eliminating as many blind spots as possible, or do we believe that we have few left that even matter?

A few months ago a family member commented that he was tired of seeing my chest on the running selfies. This was intentional and driven by feedback that i took a lot of selfies, so i was modifying them to get less face and more sweat (to illustrate the effort, commitment).

And the original point of selfies, like many others are motivated to do, was intended to be the “i was here” shot.

A few days ago, while cycling to the gym, the above selfie idea appeared out of the blue.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Dear Son, a Sunday morning of epic proportions

Florida hawk on a fence
Yesterday morning during bike ride near Disney University. You rarely get this close to a hawk.


There are days in our lives when an event happens without warning and we are stunned.

Stunned at it’s abrupt arrival.

Stunned by the emotional turmoil that rocks our world.

Stunned at the aftershocks, even as new tremors erupt.

Yesterday morning was one such day.

Life will go on.

And it will go on in a better way because of what we learned as a Family.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

The plight of the stubborn visionary

Steve Jobs unveiling the iPhone
Steve Jobs was a zealot and a narcissist. Does the world forgive him for those qualities?


The plight of the stubborn visionary.

There are few others with the (supportive) karma to encourage you to stay the course past the point where you have made significant progress.

This is a huge threshold to cross, but it’s still not enough to prove you are right.


This is the point where the name callers – zealot, crazy, misfit, fool, narcissist, idiot – start looking and sounding like the Sirens call from Greek mythology.

The name callers want you to fall prey to their predictions.

At this point, more than any other in your journey, you cannot back down – even as the psychological pain begins to suffocate you.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Midlife, entrepreneurial, digital insanity?


i question whether or not Facebook serves my attitude.

Facebook is almost like spam. There are so many things posted that i have no interest in.

i rarely post personal stuff because i really only want my family and closest friends to see it.

Been playing around with different settings to see if i can eliminate most of the unwanted messages. Meanwhile, i’ve already cut 157 connections – all of them people i call friends.

If this is confusing, remember that being friends isn’t reliant on being connected on Facebook.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Do the math, he’s living without margin

Florida living
Last night, a 30 minute bike ride.


When he does the math it doesn’t add up. He’s living without margin. This, coming from of all people, a high school math teacher.

It was a parent/teacher conference a week or so after the official date. i love that the teacher’s are flexible to do whatever it takes.

i had no academic issues to discuss so i went straight to the small talk and “where are you from” kinda stuff. His candor was delightfully tension reducing. Honest, open, vulnerable – trust’s main ingredients.

PS. We all struggle with finding margin in our lives. Margin is defined as breathing room in our day to day responsibilities. Case in point, i can’t remember the last time i got eight hours of sleep in a single night.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.