Is It Too Late Or Too Early To Think About New Year’s Resolutions?

Nova Scotia 2011

Those of us who’ve been on the planet for a fair time have a few thoughts about New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t we? We also have a few options. There were youthful times when they meant everything to us. And times where we didn’t even bother. Been there.

Have re-embraced them for a decade or so. Alternating between impossible and decently doable. This years’s resolve to stop texting and emailing while driving continues to be a change that may save a life, or two.

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Hard To Say If This Is A Blessing Or A Curse

Indianapolis 2010

The days are long gone in frontier America where we had to watch the horizon and guard our personal view (our landscape, our patch of land) with armed strength. Hard to say if this is a blessing or a curse.

Would such a heightened sense of concern and awareness build us up or wear us down?

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