Every thought is a vote

Leadership quote
A growth mindset is hard until it becomes easy. Growth-mindset people live in a mostly fixed-mindset world. Everyone is going through a hell no one knows about. Growth mindset is never an absence of life-challenges.

Every thought is a vote for the type of person you hope to become.


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Improve the present moment

Young Steve Jobs in deep thought
Young Steve Jobs in deep thought. Contemplation and self-reflection are analogous to sharpening the saw before felling trees.

John Wesley said…

(S)he who has governed the world before I was born shall take care of it likewise when I am dead. My part is to improve the present moment.

In a world void of abundant role models for life balance – personal vibrancy – in mind, body, spirit, work, and home…

…and with a clock that waits for no one, i have taken the risk to offer what most are too busy, or too afraid, to do…

…take control of all the controllable things in their life.

Your thoughts, your physical activity and choices, your peace and contentment, your work contributions, and your personal organization at home.

Improve your present moment.

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Well-played, well-lived

rainbow in mountain landscape
East side Glacier National Park near Two Medicine.

Life, well lived, is long enough.


We often chase after things that don’t matter. We do not understand this until after we get them. This is called a midlife crisis. Be careful. Read this if you are in the midst of a life crisis now.

Live well, with intention, with purpose, and over-focus on the things you used to under-focus on or ignore.

For example, if you love to write, but don’t, figure it out.

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Everything i do is influenced by a lifetime at Disney

In the real world, it’s inspiring to live with a serenity-prayer mindset…

If you have a problem, look for a solution. If you can’t find a solution, forget about it. 

In the “Disney World”, it’s inspiring to live like the quote Walt said in the photo above…

Exchange ideas until you find a solution to an impossible challenge.

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Bob Dylan quote from college

Glacier summit
First trip to Glacier is closing in.

During the 1979-80 Junior year of college i had a dorm room wall poster with this quote from Bob Dylan:

He who is not busy being born, is busy dying.

Growth is stimulating.

Growth is more than physical, it also applies to attitude.

Like a muscle, strain – from experiences – strengthens our mental outlook.

Learn to be intentional where you used to be less intentional or unconcerned.

Enjoy the soreness when you push yourself past your perceived limits. Soreness means the work was more than you are used to enduring.

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