Can you hear yourself say, I’ve given my life for this

Sitting on the tire of an Indy 500 race car
Life in the fast lane comes with a price


One of the X-Factor contestants said last night in the semifinals, “I’ve given my life for this”.

Dude, can we get an “Amen”?

Who wants to wait until later to start feeling that?

Clicking the word Blog on the next line continues this thought in a way that might be a nudge worth exploring…

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Have you ever felt called and how far did you take it?

A failed attempt at a blog header
A failed attempt at a blog header


Thanks to the critics of the world, we are given the most powerful definition of the compelling difference between what it means to simply survive versus what it makes to abundantly thrive.

In either case, both choices occur on the same planet, with the same species.

My in illuminating the secret is enlarging.

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