This question begs us each day

Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
A special camera at this Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks offers this perspective


Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
Who dat?


It’s the same old story every day isn’t it?

Which begs the question:

Why even try to do incredible things?

We can be amazingly thankful if we have a convincing answer to this question.

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Nothing else will compel us to do whatever it takes

Boy on bike at dusk near Walt Disney World
Seriously, we would die for it? Absolutely.


Want to help make the world a better place? Be the person that offers something good to the world.

And if we want to help change the world, we must be willing to do something we would die for.

Nothing else will compel us to do whatever it takes.

Because it’s simply too easy to quit when it gets tough.

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A few guiding desires for the creation of Mid Life Celebration

Disney's Contemporary Resort tropical landscaping
Three beautiful flowering trees (goals)


There have always been a few guiding desires for the creation of Mid Life Celebration:

  • Raise money until a cure is found for Crohn’s disease
  • Have a platform to provide a backup plan for an unforeseen economic crisis
  • Challenge the world to do something great before they die

Make no small plans.

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Six questions to compare our day to theirs

Man raking front yard gravel
Each day can be viewed as a fantastic opportunity, or a prison sentence?


Each day can be viewed as a fantastic opportunity, or a prison sentence:

  1. Know the feeling well?
  2. Does the clock seems to fly by.
  3. What happens when most of our day feels like that?
  4. A blessing or a curse?
  5. Is it true to whom much has been given, much will be required?
  6. The truth is, this applies to all of us, not just famous figureheads, right?

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Dear readers, truth be told, we are all living a life we would die for

Boat called Jeff's Dream in Miami Beach boat dock
Boat called Jeff’s Dream… wonder what he does for a living.


Dear readers, truth be told, we are all living a life we would die for.




Auto pilot mostly.

Because we are all going to die.

The default mode is a slam dunk. Guaranteed.

No effort required and we are a sure thing.

And since death is inevitable, why not up the ante?

Live for something really worth dying for?

You know, something much bigger than spending our adult lives going through the motions.

Back to the notion that life is not a dress rehearsal.

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