Dang, I’m exhausted

photo of hand-painted art
looks like super dad has dropped his keys


Dang, I’m exhausted. Does this count as a blog post? I mean, it’s 8pm, and bedtime. Two hours ago I fell asleep breifly in the school parking lot before picking up our Son.

In fact, writing this post from bed, on an iPhone, listening to Brad Paisley. I was gonna skip a day, but my brand promise is five a day…

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This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog



Why Should We Never Tire From Our Desire To Outlast Our Biggest Fears?

It's a long and winding road....

If we tire from our efforts to overcome fear, and quit without giving our very best, we send the wrong message to those watching us (Family). You can never fail in not quitting, even if you fail to reach your goal.

Insight: We may never become a great Christian, but in tirelessly and passionately trying to be one, God will be well pleased.

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Dear Son, Yes And…

Undoubtedly the edgiest blog photos Midlife Celebration has ever posted...(Malibu, CA 2011)
Never in a million years did we think bad thoughts about God.

Dear Son, attitude, quite frankly is everything. In our eight year journey to become parents, we spent our life savings. While we could be bitter or sad it’s gone, it was actually God’s blessing to provide it so it could be taken away. Imagine if we hadn’t had that resource.

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