Dear readers, truth be told, we are all living a life we would die for

Boat called Jeff's Dream in Miami Beach boat dock
Boat called Jeff’s Dream… wonder what he does for a living.


Dear readers, truth be told, we are all living a life we would die for.




Auto pilot mostly.

Because we are all going to die.

The default mode is a slam dunk. Guaranteed.

No effort required and we are a sure thing.

And since death is inevitable, why not up the ante?

Live for something really worth dying for?

You know, something much bigger than spending our adult lives going through the motions.

Back to the notion that life is not a dress rehearsal.

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Can you hear yourself say, I’ve given my life for this

Sitting on the tire of an Indy 500 race car
Life in the fast lane comes with a price


One of the X-Factor contestants said last night in the semifinals, “I’ve given my life for this”.

Dude, can we get an “Amen”?

Who wants to wait until later to start feeling that?

Clicking the word Blog on the next line continues this thought in a way that might be a nudge worth exploring…

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Our permission to be passionate can be for anything we know to be important

Dr Jorge Florin Health Central Hospital photo
I knew right away Dr Jorge Florin is passionate about life


How important is our wellbeing? And who’s in charge of getting it to blossom?

Our permission to be passionate is for anything we know to be important to our wellbeing:

  • mental health
  • physical health
  • spiritual health
  • career health
  • home health

Our personal regrets are courtesy of twin demons: fear and conformity.

Let’s review. Permission needs to come from within. No where else.


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