Here’s Where This Mid Life Celebration Vision Really Gets Crazy

The Ripple Effect Of A Beautiful Sunset Is Far Reaching

Okay, picture the ripple effect 1.2 million male elders can have. What if it went something like this:

  • More than just 3% male baby boomers
  • But female baby boomers too
  • And more than just the boomers, but gen-xers too
  • And then Millennials, and more…
  • All the way down to young parents teaching their kids
  • Even down to teaching personal responsibility beginning in pre-school

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Can You Imagine If 1.2 Million Male Baby Boomers Led A Charge To Do Something Great?

Helping Out Is The American Way And We Must Continue This Legacy of Our Forefathers

If just 3% of the male baby boomers did something great – from mend an important relationship, to help raise money to find a cure for an incurable disease. Or something in between. What a positive impact this would have on younger generations. On their inherited obligation to clean the place up a bit before they leave. Why should they if we don’t? Ya with me?

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Please Don’t Get jeff noel Wrong, Baby Boomer Careers Are Indispensable

Baby Boomers, It's Our Time To Bloom On Society

Please don’t get jeff noel wrong, Baby Boomer careers are indispensable. In fact, what makes middle-aged leaders uncommonly valuable is that they’ve had brilliant training in their careers. Plus, mid-life leaders have a yearning to give back in a way their 9-5 status quo didn’t facilitate.

This is not a negative reflection of corporate America. More like a mammoth opportunity for older leaders, particularly Baby Boomers, to do something great before they die.

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Midlife Baby Boomers And The Art Of Letting Go Of Tradition And Conformity

The Days Mostly Start and End the Same, Like This

Midlife Baby Boomers who are now small business entreprenuers have a long history of business conformity to deal with. Learning to look beyond decades of industrial-age status quo stereotypes traditional thinking is one of the most glorious learning experiences jeff noel (and most entreprenurial Boomers) has ever had.

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If You Want To Be Creative, And Get Creative Results, You Must Practice What You preach

Pre dawn walk before the hard work begins reveals a fresh sea turtle nest

jeff noel, and most Baby Boomers, can think of no better way to lead than by example. To be creative and unleash an amazingly refreshing entrepreneurial spirit requires midlife adults to break the mold society has fed us as “the way”.

“The way” is predictable and crowded, but societal norms Mediocrityville is crumbling. By midlife, we have enough forward momentum to create our “own way”, rooted in wisdom and experience….to simply go. Go!

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