Happy Independence Day From The Independent Man

Rhode Island’s Capital building….The Independent Man at dusk.

The Independent Man at daybreak.

Rhode Island’s Independent Man was once called Hope. When I took these photos three weeks ago, no clue why. Today we know. How independent do you feel each morning? Each evening?

Way too many people are slaves to their jobs, their declining health, poor attitudes, empty spirit and fundamental disorganization. Been there, done that. Never again. Ever!

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Since Cave Drawings, Mankind Has Been Keeping Records Of Important Things

Since first drawn on cave walls, mankind has kept records of important things. Yes, that’s 1832-33 (lower left corner), as in 179 years ago.

There is so much to document…

Three floors of books, records, laws. And Rhode Island is one of our smallest states.

Imagine the lectures given over hundreds of years. Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture was a lecture about living, as he was dying. jeff noel is writing a book about dying while living.

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We Know That What We Read Has A Dramatic Affect On Our Attitude

Life celebrations can come at any time, any age. And jeff noel just happens to be in the space between young adulthood and old age. We know that what we read has a dramatic affect on our attitude.

Spring 2009, reading The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch, was exceptionally motivating because the timing was perfect. This month is dedicated to keeping that motivation alive. Even kicking it up a notch – The Next Lecture. You in?

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