Super believable

Jet fighter
Most of the world hates war, that’s super believable.

Super believable.

Four super believable growth mindset behaviors:

  1. Being disinterested can make you seem non-threatening
  2. Being invisible can make you seem normal
  3. Being quiet can make you seem harmonious
  4. Being noncommittal can make you seem likable

These four growth revelations are only possible from:

  1. Being present
  2. Being mindful
  3. Being motivated
  4. Writing like a beast

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


Disney Cast Member Sevice Awards
Being helpful, being a leader, being creative – these traits are in my DNA. These traits were developed and honed less a mile from our home.


Four unbelievable growth mindset aha’s:

  1. Being a helpful neighborhood elder can make you seem nosey
  2. Being an avid photographer can make you seem suspicious
  3. Being a driven professional can make you seem pushy
  4. Being honest can make you seem naive

These four growth revelations are only possible from:

  1. Being present
  2. Being mindful
  3. Being motivated
  4. Writing like a beast

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

The will to mentally explore

hand written notes on paper napkin
In the middle, “Fall in love again with deep conversation and thinking hard.”

The will to mentally explore.

Do you have it?

On a scale of 1-10, 10 is best.

What’s your number?

Mental life hack, aim for a perfect 10.

The only limits you have are those you impose upon yourself.


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Positive mental accidents

Disney keynote speaker jeff noel in his home office
Delivering Disney Customer Service Keynote speeches is my ministry.

For context let’s assume accidents and mistakes are synonymous.

Positive mental accidents (mistakes) are gifts.

Stereotypically, accidents are unexpected, unwelcome, painful, and costly.

Saying yes or no to an opportunity could create an accident (mistake).

In 1999, said yes to Disney Keynote Speaking and goodbye to a life in Disney Resort Hotel Operations.

Could have been a huge mistake (accident) to leave one career for another.

It was not.

“Accidentally” getting into public speaking revealed what i am born to do, teach.

Had no idea.

Found out by mistake, accidentally.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Compound this my friend

Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Glacier National Park (GNP). Near Lake McDonald Lodge. Sprauge Fire 2017. College buddy, Howard Doran.
Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Glacier National Park (GNP). Near Lake McDonald Lodge. Sprauge fire 2017.

Continuously invest. All the great returns in life, mentally, physically, spiritually, at work and at home, come from compound interest.


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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