It’s been nine years, 11 months, and 30 days so far.
Tomorrow, March 31, 2019, i finish a decade-long prolific blogging effort. On April Fools Day 2009, i started what was destined to fail: a 100-day, self-imposed writer’s boot camp to write five daily, differently-themed blog posts on five individual websites.
Not only did it not fail, but it hasn’t stopped for a single day, for a decade.
How is this even possible?
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.
Even when traveling, i awake at 5AM to begin writing, and always open the hotel room curtains to watch darkness turn to sunrise. Photo: 5 minutes ago at home.
Life-giving view every morning.
Watching darkness slowly turn to sunrise every morning for a decade has changed the way i see the value of life, a single day at a time.
It seems so insignificant.
But actually doing it reveals it’s magnificent significance.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.
Working from any where at any time, and on any day makes it easy to work all day and into the night. Take last night for example.
The ticking clock doesn’t care about your happiness. Why would it? It’s challenging to accept the fact that no one else can care for your ticking clock the way you should be caring. Why? Because everyone else is knee-deep in life as well, struggling to manage the day-to-day onslaught of distractions, obstacles, and unexpected pressures while trying to balance mind, body, spirit, work, and home.
My clock is ticking too.
One small example…
We started the daily tradition of an after-school hug, kiss, and “I love you” in January 2003.
There are 60 days of after-school hugs remaining.
And then there will never be anymore daily after-school hugs. Sixteen years of tradition will have its final moment on May 24, 2019.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.