Drum roll please…

This photo, from Summer 2019, simply shows our progress as we work through six boxes of content.

Drum roll please…

Asked for verbal yes or no by 5:00 PM last night.

It’s a Yee-haw either way.

One way and the year is locked and loaded.

The opposite way is a blank canvas, with a world of possibility.

The next nine days at the beach, plus the week between Christmas and January 1, 2020 will allow for self-reflection on the Glacier Summer of self-reflection.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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When 99% is not enough

The Garmin Satellite GPS device reads 9,156′ above sea level. With no internet connection in one-million acres, best to be prepared. Can send an SOS signal. Device also tracks your coordinates for others to locate. This device speaks of 100% commitment. In 2020 a climbing helmet ups the commitment.

When 99% is not enough?

When you’re looking for commitment.

The higher the stakes, the more non-negotiable commitment becomes.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Signing a book publishing contract is cool and weird simultaneously

closeup spider photo with white lab in background
What just happened, and what will happen next?


Signing a book publishing contract is cool and weird simultaneously.

Cool because it’s signed – this is a big deal if it’s never been done before.

Weird because reality smacks you in the face when all along you thought you were friends.

Reality begs, “What do you want people to feel when they finish reading?”:

Something so unexpected, so inexplicable that we are in awe of what just happened

Similar to a wakeup call, but less severe.

And friendlier.

PS. And that they are willing, even eager, to hear more in the next book.

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