The paradox of confidence and humility

Disney Executive Speakers


The paradox of confidence and humility. When we follow our dreams and actually do the things we say we are going to do, our confidence increases.

As our confidence increases, we gain more confidence. The more confidence we gain the closer we get to forgetting about how critical humility is to our self-esteem – our integrity.

And for some us, humility is the cornerstone to our future growth and success, even if it does’t seem so.

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Time to downshift?

Creative conference room door sign
Interior door sign for exiting a conference room.


When do we downshift, or turn off even, our childlike desire to learn, explore, and grow?

Is there significant growth available to us from the physical act of writing down our thoughts? Is there growth on top of that even, from publishing them? It’s so easy to post things on social media. Isn’t it?

Next time you think of it, look at how few people share original content. Quotes are cool and inspiring, yet it’s not our voice. Where is our voice? When does it get used?

Are we trying to live vicariously through something Abe Lincoln or Hillary Clinton said?

A turning point in our lives is possible when we stop posting quotes and start using our own voice.

Scary. Real.


If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

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This might not work, please be careful

Midlife Celebration old website header


(photo: Photograph of MLC’s very first business card, cropped to fit WordPress specs.)

Great things never begin with the bliss of certainty.

Blogging here is going to become more interesting in the coming days, weeks, and months.


Because today marks the official call to begin the official process.

Incredible what attitude contributes to making dreams come true.

Incredible, also, how fragile attitude can be when fear raises it’s ugly head and says, “This might not work. Be careful.”

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