What about what’s holding us back from supporting ourselves?

Midlife Celebration Amazon sales page
Top, first share button – sends email with easy click link to book page…


Sent this as an email from Amazon to a friend who’s been saying for two months she’s going to buy the book.

Dude, this book is gonna make your heart sing and your mind explode. Do yourself a favor (right now). Okay? 🙂

  • What holds our family, friends, colleagues back from jumping in to help us?
  • Is it the same thing holding us back from supporting others who are also working hard?

So really, what holds us back from helping ourselves?

(fear, uncertainty, excuses, time, codependence?)

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

We know this.

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Why the original goal of a million dollars is not appropriate

LOVE sign
Happy Valentine’s Day 2014


Most authors make no money from book sales. When you factor time, and expense, it’s pretty much a losing proposition by itself. The exception is when a book goes viral (like getting on Oprah).

The opportunity to generate revenue is from speaking (and perhaps products related to the book’s cause – think “Life is good” brand).

Writing a book adds decent credibility. It’s gutsy – because if it wasn’t, more of us would do it.

Driving a 24-year old car, and keeping expenses low, and determined to raise money until a cure is found.

The original goal was to raise one million dollars, but decided not to limit the amount. Nor stop trying until the cure is here.

Once that’s done, we can move on to the next thing that needs serious help.

A friend’s spouse has had 33 surgeries from Crohn’s disease, and the last one was to remove the only remaining portion of his digestive system.

Our son has Crohn’s and is exponentially more likely to get colon cancer than a person without Crohn’s. Last anyone checked, colon cancer is bad news.

Make no small plans.

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Bathed in love, generous, and very, very direct

Mid Life Celebration book in Las Vegas
Gambling on your understanding of the risk in telling you vs not


Dear friend, when we were younger, we made promises to ourselves. Remember them?

First the pressure to get ahead.

Then regrets.

But what about second chances?

A very real opportunity, but only possible if one person (and one person only) grants us permission.

The fear of hoping you’ll buy this book is less than the fear of not letting you know the book exists.

Written by a dad to a young boy in case something bad ever happens and the dad’s not around.

Bathed in love, generous, and very, very direct.

Everyone in America the World should have the opportunity to read it.

We will either be an example or a warning.

Our life is not a dress rehearsal.

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In reality, each of us is amazing

The most important book Baby Boomers will ever read
The most important book Baby Boomers will ever read


Funny how long it us takes to become somebody.

And because it takes so long, we do the normal thing that everyone in the Herd does.


In reality, each of us is amazing.

Yet so few believe it.

Hope this book changes that.

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