Authentic and pure

Disney Institute Keynote Speaker
His last leader at Disney labeled him a zealot.


Internal scripts and conversations we have with ourselves can influence our beliefs into something that isn’t true.

A great friend, Dennis, says things only become sayings or cliches if they are true.

You cannot be a prophet in your hometown.

It is not the world that frightens him. It’s his friends.

Like most, he has held back on his dreams his entire life because of the negative scripts, even though he could easily be mistaken for being bold and inspired.

It’s killing him because he struggles to overcome what should be easy to overcome:


He will figure it out, but probably not today.

It really comes down to this mini-epiphany:

Is it fear or humility holding him back?

Maybe it’s the fear of not appearing humble.

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Classic wish: to do life over knowing what we now know

Dry ice in water science experiment
Last night’s middle school science open house.


Ever wish you could magically do your life over, knowing what you know now?

While it sounds inspiring and aspirational on the surface, deep down it’s never gonna happen. There is no secret formula. We do not have the ability to be reborn as a baby, knowing what we know now.

However, and this is a huge however, we (unquestionably) do have the ability to be reborn knowing what we know now. It’s called Mid Life Celebration.

It’s what you’ve always told yourself you’ve wanted and it’s right in front of you.

Your move.

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Be a good and decent person

Unique thank you card


(photo: Card hand delivered from Chicago to Iowa City last night.)

What’s our unspoken obligation every single day?

Be a good and decent person.

There is a quiet movement underway. It’s called authenticity.

We cherish it in others.

We long for it ourselves.

Please don’t die without addressing wherever you want to be in terms of authenticity.

Aren’t we all aiming for zero regrets?

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What was it about Maya Angelou that was so compelling to so many?

Maya Angelou quote


What was it about Maya Angelou that was so compelling to so many?

In a word, we believed her to be…



We cherish it in others.

We long for it ourselves.

A tree does not grow overnight.

And patience is the ultimate strength.

Think about these things and decide…

What was it about Maya Angelou that was so compelling to so many?

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Note: Maya Angelou left her Earthly life yesterday, May 28, 2014