What’s the most fatiguing task?

too bad we don't get, "We've detected an interruption in your commitment to living"

The thing that wears us down more than anything else, it would seem is… something important we start but never finish. And as I turn 53 today, the goal of reaching 60 has gotten three years closer – in what seems like the blink of an eye.

What fatigues us is getting started with ambitious life plans when we’re younger, but somewhere along the way, we pull off life’s highway and never get back on.

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Is life really that simple?

life has many targets

Joy, peace, and love. Is life really that simple? Is that all we need?

Just remember though, simple does not mean easy. We must strengthen our mental attitude to persevere. This may be one of life’s most difficult tasks.

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PS. The reason I know it’s so difficult is because I work hard at it all day, every day.

Why reinforcing your attitude is critical to success

the upside with travel? reaching more people.

It’s as obvious as the law of… an object in motion tends to stay in motion. An attitude that always looks for the upside, the blessing, the opportunity – will tend to always look for the upside, the blessing, the opportunity.

An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An attitude that complains, is bitter, sees only problems – will tend to repeat itself. Obvious, right?

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Are you haunted by your attitude potential?

some things are difficult to see

Are you haunted by your attitude potential? How good could your attitude be? Is there a little room for improvement? Or is there so much room, it’s literally inconceivable? The more I focus on this idea, I’m discovering a power that seems incomprehensible.

Selling ourselves short is what haunts us. We deserve to maximize our potential. Which leads to another question…

…are you haunted by your physical health potential…find out at the…Next Blog