My Life, Your Life, Sometimes…

Sometimes life gives us what we hope for, and sometimes it doesn’t.

It was the Fall of 1980, as a College Junior, a movie inspired a “childhood dream” to write a book for my children.

This is not the movie, but the plot is similar. And we do not have “children”, only one child. Life remains unpredictable:

Next Blog

Zen & The Art Of Teaching

Uncommonly Insightful
Uncommonly Insightful

William Glasser suggests this is the way we learn, and more importantly, retain information, yet his ideas, which focus on personal choice, personal responsibility and personal transformation, are considered controversial by mainstream psychiatrists.

What all of us can consider not controversial, is the simple fact that we are born, we live and learn, and then we die.

What and how we do it, and the impact we make, is up to us. Period.

Next Blog.

Pills Or Stairs?

Palm Springs Hotel
Palm Springs Hotel

“A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs.”Karen Irizarry

Our attitude, our mental responsibility – what we watch, read, listen to, who we hang out with, our language.

Simple choice. Seek positive outcomes (against the odds) or dwell on things and people that bring us down.

Lane 8, the Next Blog, has the same approach, but for our body.

PS. Lorie Sheffer returns tomorrow.