The coolest thing about throwing yourself out there?

happy faces
if it makes you happy, then why are you so sad. – sheryl crow

The coolest thing about yesterday’s post (not Lorie’s guest post, the other one) was how uncomfortable it was to write. Who can claim to literally be one of the best (in the world) at something and not sound boastful, arrogant, obnoxious, etc?

Makes me wonder what others claim, whom they claim it to (or for), and why do they claim it? And what if they didn’t?

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PS. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads and Grand Dads out there.

So what?

leaving a legacy
a sense of urgency…who’s he gonna talk to if something tragic happens to me?

Suppose someone’s a prolific blogger – writing thousands of blog posts. So what?

One could bet it keeps them sharp, razor sharp. And it probably keeps them balanced, as good as anyone in the world. It helps them to be clear, crystal clear, on what’s important in life. And most of all, it proves they have drive and determination (and most likely a servant’s heart).

PS. note to self… that was awkward, but kudos for doing it anyway.

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Is it worth it?

prolific bloggers
museum exhibit…a note pad…really?

Had a mini-epiphany the other day on the phone, while sharing my story (which may be featured in a book on purposeful aging). The whole notion of being the Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger. What is that exactly? Is it a good thing? What does it mean? How or why does it matter in a sea of bloggers? What if it doesn’t.

What advice would you offer on this, tested by your personal experience and not textbook theory?

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These are the toughest economic times we’ll ever see

you know which way true north is...follow your gut

Note to self: As challenging as it is to keep up with a growing son, a growing business, and an ever-increasing travel schedule, you have done an admirable job in managing the keeping-up part and the getting-ahead part. Cut yourself some slack.

PS. And remember to judge no one. Not everyone was born with your level of intuition. And you were not born with the intellect of many others. God sort of balances the species out.

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