Who’s to judge?
A closer look…
Two more mental attitude aha’s from summer camp:
- Everyone seems to be a critic.
- Don’t be one.
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Who’s to judge?
A closer look…
Two more mental attitude aha’s from summer camp:
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Rob teaching two boys knots… and character…
Top three mental attitude aha’s from Scouting summer camp:
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The Florida State tree in it’s summer bloom looks like the brain’s synapses… amazing how nature works, to reproduce, and to dream…
Last night in a dream, a Boomer rationalized it was ok to drink under a special circumstance. So glad it was a dream and not reality. Midlife is this fork in the road:
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What’s really at stake here is whether summer will fly by or whether it will blossom into one of our best summers ever.
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Traveling through Memphis yesterday and remembering when Elvis was king of rock and roll, a famous movie star, and quite literally, a world icon.
Near the end of his life something happened. And I wonder if it had anything to do with the price success plays on our perception of reality and our humble place in the world.
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