Original Walt Disney World hire date 1982

Orlando Sanford airport
Walking from parking lot.


Orlando Sanford Airport


Waking up in Allentown this morning, October 17 is a privilege. And knowing what i write right now will post on January 25 is a cool way to experience a milestone moment several times over.

On January 25, 1982 my life path began to change even though I had no clue.

Arriving in Orlando (from Pennsylvania) on January 24, 1982, my first day at Walt Disney World was the very next day and it was called Disney Traditions. Otherwise known as new employee orientation.

Knowing that i can now (since retiring from Disney) work from anywhere is also a milestone.

Writing is a cool way to simultaneously live in multiple moments: the past, present, and future.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Holding on to too much, we are weighed down

Disney World Monorail cab
You can see the coolest things in this Orlando town called Walt Disney World Resort.


Will you push the day or will the day pull you?

Holding on to too much, we are weighed down. And the drag on our potential joy today is severely inhibited.

And this doesn’t bother the crap out of you?

It does me.

Big time.

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When we least expect it, we see something rare, and meaningful

Train on Lethbridge Bridge
When we least expect it, we see something rare, and meaningful


Five years ago it became brutally apparent that some personal promises were desperately unfulfilled.

The absolutely crazy idea of a 100-day writers boot camp was dreamt up to attack the long term recurring failures.

And just for fun, why not begin on April Fools Day?

Perfect for such a foolish idea.

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The behavioral psychologist’s words are ringing in my ears

A new book about habits
A new book about habits


The behavioral psychologist’s words from two days ago are still ringing in my ears. Long story short:

  • 90-minute flight, random pairing
  • a behavioral psychologist on his own for 18 years
  • looked to be in his mid to late fifties
  • worked for big-name consulting firm in Philly prior
  • was reading a book about habits
  • we talked about habits for 10 minutes
  • he concluded he should take his own advice more often

As a professional speaker, it was a golden moment to reinforce a life in a world class culture. One that can stand the test of time against the best in the world.

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