Why is it human nature to want to explore?


Sunset cloud cover from United airlines jet
Humans and our insatiable desire to see what’s over the next hill


Why is it human nature to want to explore? Because we are curious? Restless? Unhappy? Greedy? What?

Humans have always been explorers.

Very glad you are on this journey – this adventure of writing/reading five daily differently-themed blogs about life’s big choices.

No guarantees for our transformation.

But a serious hunch things are changing.

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What’s the difference between doing something fresh and doing it exhausted?

Hawaiian State Bird (the Nene) warning sign
What if the sign read “No New Territory”?


What’s the difference between doing something when refreshed and doing it while exhausted?

Quite simply, it’s everything.

In four years of writing five daily blogs, never has it been necessary to write for 10 days straight past midnight?

Charting though unanticipated new territory.

Coincidently, not until the past 10 days in Hawai’i.

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