Is there such a thing as a midlife keener?

Three important flags blowing in the strong wind
When we see things differently, we experience them differently


Is there such a thing as a midlife keener? Here’s what Google revealed from ‘keener’:

CANADIAN (informal)
– a person who is extremely eager, zealous, or enthusiastic.
– “keeners who spent most of high school buried in homework”


It’s a really simple concept.

Midlife keeners spend most of their second half focused on thriving versus surviving.

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We get a few of these unplanned experiences in our life

Magic Kingdom Resort area from Delta Jet
Disneyland would fit inside the Disney’s Magic Kingdom Theme Park parking lot (lower center)


Happy 59th birthday Disneyland.

C-ya in two weeks.

Yes, will be flying on Easter Sunday to reunite with you after 43 years.

And yes, 43 is not a typo.

How cool is that?


We get a few of these unplanned experiences in our life.

They’re called bonuses, right?

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Midlife keeps challenging us – are we grateful or do we crumble?

Pool deck umbrella stand blown into pool
A little thing like this and a big thing like Aortic valve repair surgery for a parent (91) – on the same day


Life is gloriously challenging.


Life is unrelentingly challenging.

It is the latter for everyone.

It is the former, also, for a smaller group.

Former colleague, mentor, and professional trainer, J. Jeff Kober, wrote this post today with some very kind accolades about Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit

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In our encouragement of those closest to us


To everyone who’s ever been a child.

To everyone who’s ever been a parent or grandparent.

To all the Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and extended family.

In our encouragement of those closest to us, we make a tough world more enjoyable through our aspirational goals and dreams.

Never let our memories be bigger than our dreams.

Everybody good with that?

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