Wheels Up, It's a Brand New Day!
Wheels Up, It's a Brand New Day!

PSA, public service announcement.

Just wanted to remind everyone that most of my daily posts will resonate with the target audience (which is everyone).

Some days, of course, will be better than others and some days may seem to miss the mark.

But the one thing that will remain constant is that not a single day will go by that doesn’t begin with purposeful thought about the glorious opportunity to seize the day.

To do work that matters.

The clock is ticking.

Impossible is nothing.

And don’t forget about “balance“.

Hurricane Season Is Like Midlife

Florida State Tree
Florida State Tree

Stormy weather. Most of the time we get advanced notice. Earthquakes, tornadoes and flash floods are exceptions.

Every year in Florida and all along the southern region, we are advised to check our hurricane preparedness.

There really is no excuse for not being prepared.

Well there are a ton of excuses. I get that.

Same with midlife.

It’s stormy weather for many people.

We should see it coming, and maybe we do. But, so predictably, we ignore it.

Looking forward to the tree service coming this morning to provide a “hurricane cut” for 30 palm trees.

(next blog)

Do You Even Have A Choice?

As Basic As It Will Ever Get
As Basic As It Will Ever Get

The most basic of life’s questions, “Do you have a choice?”

We all have dreams, as grand as ending hunger, or getting a GED.

Or as simple as paying off our mortgage, retiring and watching our grandchildren grow up.

To make these grand or simple dreams come true, we must fight the good fight.

Every day.

And every day we are faced with the choice.

Keep going, or quit.

Never get bored with the basics, even in midlife.

next blog

1-Minute Personal Branding Exercise

Many Judge People, By Their Clothes
Many Judge People, By Their Clothes

Exercise is often thought of in the physical sense.

But let’s do a 1-minute personal branding exercise right now.

How many reputations do you have? (answer = 1 with each person you know)

You’ve asked people this before, right, “What do you do?”

And they’ve asked you the same.

How do you like your answer?

And, listening to others answer it, how many answers do you recall?

But what if you did?  What would it take?

Even better, of all your answers, how many can recall yours?

But what if they did?

Now I think we’re getting somewhere.

The answers come to those that pursue them.

What do you do? (the answers tomorrow)

Scroll down to read yesterday’s post or click here to move to the next blog.