Photos breathe life

Montreal Westin lobby
In Montreal to deliver a Disney Customer Service Keynote Speech, 2015.

Photos breathe life into almost everything, including blog posts.

This is why i always use them.

Now into the 14th consecutive year writing five daily, differently-themed blog posts, the first few years where just text. No photos.


Probably didn’t know how to add photos. Or maybe the process was cumbersome. Don’t recall exactly.

Can remember vividly when the WordPress operating system made it easier, i began using photos and have never deviated.


Because photos help tell a story or make a point better than words, generally.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Back to back weeks

Turning Red Pixar ad
Just watched Turning Red. Pixar’s storytelling continues to excel.

Back to back weeks.


Back to back week-long experiments:

  1. One week with only photos
  2. One week with no photos

It will be fun and interesting to see how i like it when it goes live.

Note: Odds are decent it will happen again before these two week-long experiments publish. This means any decision to continue either experiment will be a blind, gut feeling, not a visual and verifiable experience.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

No picture creates pressure

No picture creates pressure to create interest and or enjoyment using only words.

Why would anyone read something that doesn’t have a visual magnet?

Much like the first routine things you do every morning, no one has any interest. But offer a photo or two and it’s a different ballgame.

Diggin’ day four of this photo-less blogging experiment.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

A year of writing

Facebook ad screen shot
Forgive the math, but a year? Yes. A year of writing, assuming daily, will change you.

Based on the screen shot from Facebook, writing for one year uncovers and reveals your authentic self.

Makes sense.

Now a person like me immediately wonders, “What does doing that 13 times/years in a row do?”

The first year you peel off the outer layer of the facade that your habits morphed into your life.

Second year another false layer.

It feels transformational because you are shedding what is not you.

Here’s the catch…

We (all of us) have a lot to shed.

A year is a fantastic start, but it’s simply the first step.

Happy present moment.

Keep writing and keep shedding.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

WordPress 5.9 Josephine

Older WordPress headers screen shot
You wake up one day and realize how the place has dramatically changed. These are old WordPress website headers.

WordPress 5.9 Josephine auto installed yesterday.

WordPress (WP) continues to improve slowly and steadily. Over time, however, the contrast from a decade ago to now is extraordinary. So grateful to learn it one iteration at a time.

i trust WP.

WP changed my life.

Today is the 4,837 consecutive day writing five daily, differently-themed blog posts.

That’s 24,180 blog posts.

The official world record by a single author is 17, 212.

No one cares about a blogging world record.

i write, not because i need to, but because i want to. It’s a daily, involuntary reflex. One that someday may disappear.

Meanwhile, here’s a trip down memory lane…the colored WP website headers are as follows:

  1. Mind – grey matter
  2. Body – brown is between the darkest and lightest skin
  3. Spirit – everyone bleeds red
  4. Work – US dollar bill green
  5. Home – Dark blue is fav color

Working diligently to decide the future of my workload.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.