A Facebook status update from one minute ago

Walt Disney Legacy Award criteria
Screen shot from a friend’s Facebook feed last night. Real life in real time.


A Facebook status update from one minute ago

For curious minds only please…

One day while traveling i was very concerned about something.

It’s a first world problem that is as trivial as it gets…

What if my travel schedule made it impossible to write the five daily blogs?

So i wrote an extra day’s worth (5) the morning before departing on a long flight.

Worst case didn’t happen and i was able to write like normal the next morning.

This meant that there was now a surplus of one day.

Over time, usually on a particularly productive/inspiring weekend, after writing the normal five blogs, i’d keep writing.

Eventually this led to having a one week surplus (35 posts, or seven days multiplied by five extra posts for each website).

Somewhere between year two and three writing got even more intense and a 30-day surplus was created. i wasn’t writing to build a surplus, it’s just that i couldn’t stop writing on some days.

It was not uncommon to write 10-12 hours on a Saturday and 10-12 hours on Sunday too. A weekend like that might produce 25 – 50 posts (five to ten days worth).

Between years three and four, the surplus grew to 90 days and finally capped at 100 days ahead, a 500 blog post surplus.


What i’m about to write today (Aug 19) won’t go live until November 27.

It’s quirky.

It’s real.

And until it happened, it was also impossible.

So, you know those things you dream about but self-talk yourself out of?

Here’s to challenging you to stop saying you can’t.

How’s this for impossible…

It’s been 2,332 days in a row writing 5 daily, differently-themed posts. Then add in another 100 day surplus, and that’s 12,160 blog posts.

Next Blog

What makes a blog abnormal?

Disney Customer Service Speaker jeff noel
Two weeks ago, for posterity.


Have you ever been accused of being weird?

This blog isn’t normal.


Because this blog is the first of five daily blogs and is a gateway to four other blogs, each one interconnected horizontally.

This is difficult for people to understand.


Because no one does it this way.

This one is about mind and it connects to body, which connects to spirit, which connects to work life, which connects to home life.

Scrolling vertically, which is our normal behavior, will allow you to read this blog chronologically.

But here’s the unique feature embedded at the end of each individual post. It looks like this:

Next Blog

When a person navigates vertically (scrolling down) there’s never a need to click on the hyperlinked and bolded word Blog.

But here’s how that unique ‘thing’ comes to life – you click on the bolded, hyperlinked word and you automatically navigate horizontally.

Try it…

Next Blog


At the end of each post is an opportunity (easy hyperlink “Next Blog“) to scroll horizontally to the next website and blog. There are five differently themed posts about balance.

We have these moments in life that surprise us at first

Amazon Book pricing
Book price reduction went live yesterday, April 6, 2015. Dropped to $10.99 from $19.99 at author’s request.


The following is from two nights ago…decided it is blog worthy today…

Typing this in the dark.

We have these moments in life that surprise us at first but then they don’t.

Lying in bed right now, on this Easter Sunday night, a moment.

And the thing is, our little moments are insignificant to the rest of the world.

But they astonish us.

Six years ago, couldn’t write my way out of a wet paper bag.

But started writing anyway.  And as a result, in just five more days, the 11,000th blog post will go public.

Relish your insignificant moments, because no one else will.

But that doesn’t mean your moment isn’t significant.

It is.

And use your moment to create more moments.

Next Blog