Dear laughter

stormy weather in side view mirror
At traffic light last night on way to school.


Stormy Orlando weather
While he was at Cross Country practice, i went to Magic Kingdom for day 5.


Dear laughter,

You know what’s funny?

Of course you do, you’re laughter for crying out loud.

Kids laugh at literally everything.

Adults, at least me anyway, often get caught up in the responsibility of business and only laugh half the time we used to.

Ah, the good old days.


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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Dear writing

Disney leadership author jeff noel
Leaving Magic Kingdom last night at 8pm.


Dear writing,

i love you.

i can’t imagine life without you.


i can’t imagine.

Seven and one-half years ago (and 13k+ posts) i was seduced into thinking that writing five daily, differently-themed blog posts would change my life.

It did, but not for the reason that got me started.

i began because i was desperately trying to figure out how to write that book to our child – the book i had promised to write 30 years prior – for which the first sentence was still to be written.

It was supposed to be a 100-day, self-imposed writer’s bootcamp to gain practice for writing a book.

And you, dear writing, you had another plan.

On day 101, with no commitment nor obligation to continue writing five daily, differently-themed posts, i continued anyway.

It’s been 2,723 days consecutive days.



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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Dear Risk

Raft on Hidden Lake
i can work from here if i want. Photo: Glacier National Park.


Dear Risk,

i know you mean well, but you scare me half to death sometimes. And other times you are simply a bully. i hate you…and i love you.

On my office wall hangs a Hugh MacLeod art piece that says:

I’m not delusional, I’m an entrepreneur.

Literally, my mantra since 2008 has been “Burn the ships”.

Thank you for being there to tempt me to leave a 30-year career at Walt Disney World in exchange for a freedom (and accompanying risk).

Few experience this freedom.

The price i paid for it is this:  a probable failure that comes with the territory, for somewhere north of 80-90% who try.

i knew that before committing to take the risk.

It was super scary.

What if i fail?




This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.



Categorized as Dear Son Tagged

Dear Prayer

Disney Leadership Speakers
Two days ago, September 9, 2016. (i know this will post Dec 11, 2016.


Dear Prayer,

i distinctly remember how overwhelmingly full Church was on Sunday September 16, 2001.

They say attitude is everything. Cliche, right?

On that Monday after 9/11, with a tone of unease, many colleagues remarked how crowded their Church was – what with all the inconveniences from chaotic parking, seating, exiting. Not to mention the subtle distaste (i felt from their tone) they harbored for fair-weather Christians.

And yet i couldn’t help but rejoice in this vision:

Wouldn’t it be great if Church was like that every Sunday? Why, we’d have to build or enlarge so many more Churches to accommodate the overflowing capacity. Wouldn’t that be glorious?


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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Dear running

Runners on red dirt road
Photo taken an hour after today’s post was written.


Dear running,

If i remember this correctly, we met when i was 10 years old on the Thomasville Elementary School playground in 1969. Apparently i, like every other child on the playground, was too impatient to walk between playground apparatus so we ran.

But it was that one fateful morning when the Physical Education teacher took my class of 5th graders to the parking lot to time each child in the 50-yard dash that something changed.

Unbeknownst to me, i learned that day that out of the 30 other children in class, the teacher said i had the fastest time.

This was the day i learned about attitude.

Thank you.


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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.