The main reason i stopped climbing the Disney ladder

Lee Cockerell Disney window
Lee was near the very top.


Walt Disney window at Magic Kingdom
The highest rung on the ladder.


Top Disney Service Speakers
One window on the ground floor is for every Cast Member who ever was, is now, or will be. Coincidently, i’m on a plane right now heading to Glacier National Park.


The main reason i stopped climbing the ladder at Disney Institute was the observation that the rungs above my role didn’t produce joyful, healthy people.

Crazy, huh?

Keep the extra money and “better” title.

Joy can’t be bought.

But it sure is fun to have it every day.

Especially when it comes with the territory.

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Categorized as Dear Son Tagged

i want you to write for 3,000 consecutive days

Disney University
Every. Single. Day.


Today, June 17, 2017 marks the 3,000th consecutive day.

On April Fools Day 2009, the 100-day challenge to write five daily, differently-themed blog posts for 100 consecutive days was an “impossible” goal.

Today is also Day 282 of a 365-day epic writing commitment:

Write seven Disney Business books in a single year.

It’s been challenging to do both.

As the finish line (Sept 9) looms for the Disney business books, i’m ever closer to pausing the daily blogging.

One month ago i felt fairly certain that today would be the final Summer blogging day.

So torn.

Blogging occupies two hours of every day.

The Disney book writing would require at least two hours every day.

Fingers crossed i do what i need to do tomorrow.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


Simple self-test to see if you’re successful

Castle art photo on Disney Dream
Castle art photo on the Disney Dream cruise ship.


How do you define success?

Peace in your soul?

Joy in your spirit?

Love in your heart?


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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.

Does your attitude nourish your creativity to thrive?

Wheelchair and walker
My 94-year old Mother-In-Law arrived last night for her first visit in a decade.


Does your attitude nourish your creativity to thrive?

Simple and decent self-test to see if you’re successful. The abundance you feel with each is the measure:

  • Peace in your soul.
  • Joy in your spirit.
  • Love in your heart.

(the 2nd half of our daily dinner prayer includes “We pray for peace in our soul, joy our spirit, and love in our heart, for all our family, all our friends, and especially all those people less fortunate.)


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Google “Disney Keynote Speakers”

Naperville, IL
A few mornings ago on a benchmarking trip.


Disney University Keynote Speakers
Second event from top: Google Alert for “Disney Keynote Speaker” led me to the benchmarking opportunity.


Disney University Keynote Speakers
Doug worked for Disneyland approx 1979-1984.


Disney University Keynote Speakers
So grateful for the opportunity.


When you Google “Disney Keynote Speaker“, it’s likely that Doug and i will be on the first page. i wanted to discover what i could learn from him in a public setting.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.