What happens if our habits change?

Home office
Change is not easy for most. Like walking away from the 6th most admired company in the world to start your own thing (entrepreneurship has statistically high odds of failing). Converted a spare bedroom into a Disney Keynote Speaker office (above).


Hold on, here comes an important question…

What happens if our habits change?


Yeah, didn’t see that one coming.

Are you satisfied with your quality of life right now?

Habits are what we think and do without thinking.

The basics…

Great habits serve us and others.

Poor habits, obviously, have the opposite effect and serve no one.

Want to maintain and accentuate your current energy and outcomes in your life?

Want different energy and outcomes in your life?

It’s simple.

All we have to do to generate better results is to change our habits.

No brainer right?


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Dear Son, passing the trust torch to you

The landscape contractor has a history of showing up as promised only 50% of the time. So no, i do not trust he’ll be here March 29 or 30. i hope so, but i cannot trust it.

Dear Son, passing the trust-torch to you.

Two nights ago when i said i trust you to self-monitor your nightly hour of video games – and that you will face temptation when parental oversight lessens…remember?

From the time you began to talk as a one-year-old we have prioritized trust as the number one relationship asset.

What hit me as i was falling asleep was this:

You must have a powerfully trusting relationship with yourself.

As you mature and approach 18, you will be in charge of your choices.

Choices, my Son, are everything.

Trust yourself to make great choices.

Trust yourself to learn from poor choices.

And remember that a poor choice can simply be to not make one because of fear, doubt, and uncertainty.

You must trust yourself more than anyone else in the world.

Note: Risks for personal growth are healthy. Risks for pleasure are unhealthy. Self-control follows trust and personal responsibility.

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Time flies dangerously fast

Highpoint President
High Point University.


College president quote
Inspiring, right? That’s a President’s job. Every leader’s job, really.


Some people can’t wait for 5pm, some can’t wait for Friday, others can’t wait for the holidays at the end of the year, and some people can’t wait for their lives to settle down so they can finally pursue happiness.

But you don’t have to be one of them.

Please don’t wait until your life is almost over to realize how good it has been.


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Road trip to Goucher 1/5

Dove on car
Dove on car. We are taking a big bird to Baltimore in a few minutes.


Writing this from Orlando International Airport – 6am.

Boarding in 20 minutes.

Carrying one small bag – same bag i hike with in Glacier National Park.

These seemingly insignificant details are anything but.


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If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.