Top Three Surprises From Blogging 90 Days Ahead

As of January 30, 2012...

Here are the top three surprises from the past month’s blogging 90 days ahead experiment:

  1. Relished the radical departure from normal
  2. Any worry of other’s perceptions evaporated quickly
  3. The effort to write 5 blogs is no different same day or 90 ahead

Looking forward to getting back to “normal” tomorrow.

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What To Say If People Tell You You’re Crazy

If you read carefully, it sounds like Walt Disney may have been a cry baby.

Ever thought what your response would be if someone told you you’re crazy? I have. Long and hard. The answer finally came, “Thank you”.

Note: Midlife Celebration is about our attitude. And so is our response to what appears like criticism.

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One Great Thing About Crazy People

Six years later they founded the Disney Brothers Studios, and in 1955 opened Disneyland.

In Walt Disney’s early years, from 1923-1955, many thought Walt was crazy when in fact he was a dreamer and an innovator. Who sets out to become the only one on the Internet writing five daily – and different – blogs? Not me. Interesting though, there’s not a single person who says I’m onto something.

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PS. From Wikipedia’s Grateful Dead review: “Their music,” writes Lenny Kaye, “touches on ground that most other groups don’t even know exists.”