One of the most important things no one’s ever told you

Midlife celebration t-shirt
Don’t let the worry of life’s typos stop you from living well


A common midlife crisis wakeup call results from living life from the sidelines.

Life is Life is not a spectator sport.

Today’s quick thought about our physical health is a click away, here.

PS. There are two typos in this post. One intentional, one not.

Can you find them?


Tomorrow is the enemy

WordPress usage is rising to a dominate force
Returning from WordPress Orlando Meetup… an epiphany


Tomorrow is the enemy.

Tomorrow is not the day to strive to be better than we were today.

Today is the day to strive to be better than yesterday.

In one, we wait.

In the other, we go.

This is a secret few internalize.

Now we know.

For a quick health snack, click Lane8.