Willing to adapt or change from a long standing habit or routine?


Wild Hawaiian bird at Volcanoes National Park
The nature of life is change and adapt


Willing to adapt or change from a long standing habit or routine?

Hope so. It’s a test we’d all like to pass, but won’t volunteer to take.

Doing it involuntarily (and I’m ok with that) here in Hilo, Hawai’i.

What’s the adaptation? Writing at the very end of the day instead of the very beginning.

More tomorrow.

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Dear readers, an amazing day of cultural immersion is good for the soul

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park entrance
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park entrance


Dear readers, an amazing day of cultural immersion is good for the soul.

Twelve hours and a couple hundred miles.

It was work.

It was fun.

They go together.

The 19-hour travel day to tee this up was as fun as a 19-hour travel day could be on three flights, on an airline without any loyalty program status.

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Guest Blogger Lorie Sheffer: Forgiveness, step 10 – managing stress

Old home movie film reels
Can we lean to stop replaying the old tapes in our past? (Photo: Lorie Sheffer)


The tenth step in our way to learning to let go and forgive is to understand all the ways we carry anger, trauma and pain.

We carry it physically as well as emotionally.

There’s an old saying, “Hurt people hurt.” When we carry pain and resentment, we will often lash out and become angry, hurtful people.

A recent study at Temple University Hospital, led by Domenico Practico, MD, Professor of Pharmacology and Microbiology, found strong evidence that “stress is an environmental factor that looks like it may play a very important role in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.”

Stress is something we can learn to manage. We can’t always remove or change the source of the stress, but we can change how we react to it.

We need to be aware of the same old tapes we play over and over again in our minds. A staggering 98% of the thoughts we have today are the same ones we had yesterday. When those thoughts are negative, no wonder we feel bad.

We can retrain our brains to let go of those negative old thoughts and replace them with new, positive thoughts and memories.

Everyone at some time in his or her life has been hurt, disappointed or betrayed. We aren’t alone in feeling disappointment and pain.  We owe it to ourselves and to those around us to learn to put down those negative thoughts and step away toward happiness.

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This morning jeff noel does something everyone dreams of

Mom and lab at Florida beach
Will be gone, without Family, for 12 days


This morning jeff noel does something everyone dreams of. Where’s one State that most of us never get to visit – the most expensive and time consuming State to travel to?

Yep, by the time most of you read this, I’ll be flying the friendly skies.

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