What would happen if midlife authors got writer’s flood?

Canadian, American boarder
15 hours ago I crossed the Canadian boarder


What would happen if midlife authors got writer’s flood? It would be a feeling like you have so much to write about but are finding the ticking clock making it challenging to whittle things down to five short and pithy posts.

A great attitude will make the best of this, even on the road in another Country.

With a poor attitude we would freeze, feel overwhelmed, procrastinate, and curse the day for it’s unrelenting pressures.

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Leonard Bernstein and jeff noel are all up in there

Orlando palm trees
All up in there… palm trees, gentle breeze and a beautiful sunrise, and wisdom


To accomplish great things, you need a plan and not quite enough time. – Leonard Bernstein

The tragedy of life is not death, it’s being afraid to be ourselves. – jeff noel

The tragedy of life is not fear, it’s in learning to be comfortable with conformity. – jeff noel

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Taught early on to play it safe, unfortunately this lasts a lifetime

Orlando Elementary School intersection crossing
Out for an early morning run, waiting for traffic signal to cross safely


Orlando Elementary School intersection crossing
Frequently crossing this intersection, but rarely seeing a crowd, except for today


Orlando Elementary School intersection crossing
Taught early on (rightfully so) to play it safe. Unfortunately this lasts a lifetime for many.


Midlife is for taking risks.

If no one ever took risks, Michelangelo would have painted on the Sistine floor.  – Neil Simon

Funny, right?

When it’s someone else denying their potential, but what about when’s it’s us?

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PS. Correction: Our entire life is for taking risks, and midlife becomes our last great chance to get back on track.