This image will not change until this person does

University of Iowa campus sidewalk view of Old Capital Building
Art is seeing life like this and backing up three steps to see it like the picture below…


University of Iowa campus sidewalk view of Old Capital Building
The same view as above, but from three steps back (a place in life a split second prior)


This image will not change until this person does.

The image we picture of ourselves controls the temperature of our life. We won’t see changes in our life until we alter our self image.

We know this.

And it is difficult.

We know this too.

But it is not impossible.

We also know this.

This knowledge is the artist’s starting point.

We are artists (whether we accept this or not).

We know this.



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What one was afraid to say, the other felt it was the highest compliment

Uniformed Japanese school boys and an adult in aloha pants
The contrast is striking, and we love it.


What one was afraid to say, the other felt it was the highest compliment.

One friend told the other, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but sometimes you think too much”.

The recipient friend replied, “Thank you. I see it as a gift that no one else we know brings”.

Aren’t we set free when we acknowledge and accept what makes us different special?

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To be remarkable, to be on autopilot, or both?

Go Airlines jet inflight in Hawaii
Go. Do something scary today. Go!


Wishing you the best day.

Truly, each day is an interesting proposition.

To be remarkable or to be on autopilot?

Being remarkable really calls on our best efforts.

The good news is that remarkable has cruise control.

Go, fly, soar, be amazing, have fun, make a difference.

And do one small thing that scares you.

Then set it on autopilot and do the same thing everyday.

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