Never let your memories be bigger than your dreams

Disney World birthday pin
Handmade by my class to pay back “the wow-factor” (they succeeded)


Dear Readers, the only acceptable way to live our life is to do the best we can. Until the day we die.

Never let your memories be bigger than your dreams.

We know this and it means something different, and special, to each person.

Live like you mean it becomes a daily habit when we practice it everyday.

There’s always a catch isn’t there? The daily part throws people.

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Mid Life Celebration is a chip off of this old block

jeff noel's early website and blogs
Began Disney career as jungle jeff January 25, 1982


Mid Life Celebration is a chip off of this old block – a man with a famous mouse.

Have intentionally avoided mentioning that on Mid Life Celebration’s posts that I work full time at one of the most admired companies in the world – and have for three decades.

Why remain silent?

Don’t really know why.

It surely isn’t a secret.

The Internet has ensured there are no secrets – about anything.

A man named Walt always felt the bar for excellence was never high enough, and nothing was impossible.

Insight: We should pay attention, there is always a lesson to be learned. And rarely are the lessons handed to us on a silver platter. And some lessons are game changers.

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Guest Blogger Lorie Sheffer: An easy 75 extra minutes

Tire and sneakers
Photo: Lorie Sheffer


A friend asked me if I would please pick up her mail and newspaper while she was away from home. On day one of my weeklong task I went out of my door, car keys in hand. She lives in the neighborhood adjacent to my own. As I turned the key in the ignition, it hit me: WHY am I driving when I could walk? Sunny day, low humidity, comfortable temperature. Driving is something most of us who live in rural or suburban areas rely on, and rightfully so. While it would be possible for me to walk to the nearest grocery store, it would be next to impossible to drag home what I’d purchased. I legitimately do need a car for most errands. So has heading out the door with keys in hand become a habit? Something I don’t even think about? Probably.

In the time my friend was away, I logged in an extra hour and 15 minutes of physical activity. It took me 15 minutes to walk to her house and back. All because I stopped to think if taking the car was really necessary.

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Strengthen a midlife weakness or let it go for a better alternative?

Mid Life Celebration tagline and logo
Mid Life Celebration focuses on simplicity and choices


Strengthen a midlife weakness or let it go for a better alternative?

Exploit and strengthen what you are really good at already?

That’s what I do.

Took years decades to finally see the light results.

Hell yeah it’s scary.

So is being stuck in a midlife rut.

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Life is not a dress rehearsal has origins other than Mid Life Celebration

Randy Pausch and his three young children
Randy Pausch wrote The Last Lecture so his three children would know him after he died


Mid Life Celebration was a promise to my children as a college sophomore (1978)
Mid Life Celebration was a promise to my children as a college junior (1979)


The clock never stops ticking. Ever.

We get one shot at life (okay, maybe we are reincarnated as another life form, but I can’t say for sure).

We fear death.

We fear not living before we die.

In a busy world I can’t swear I read it first or I thought of it myself.

But I can tell you for sure it’s a fact in my head, my heart, and my actions.

Life is not a dress rehearsal has origins other than Mid Life Celebration.

The full disclosure is – as of today, thanks to the link – it felt natural to let you know that I now know.

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