Yesterday in New Orleans, today home at Walt Disney World

jeff noel's name on the Hyatt TV was a surprise
Hyatt Regency surprise welcome on my room TV


New Orleans sunrise from Hyatt Regency
New Orleans sunrise from Hyatt Regency


New Orleans sunrise from Hyatt Regency
New Orleans sunrise from Hyatt Regency


Are we able to always be looking at what seems normal boring – the standard view out the window?

And yet always be looking for those very spectacular ways the boring isn’t so?

Are we able to keep up with everything?

  • mental attitude
  • physical health
  • emotional centeredness
  • career thriver
  • home organizer

Each one impacts the other.

Life’s five big choices – mind – body – spirit – money – hq.

Simple. Boring. Spectacular?

* * * * *

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


Do You Even Have A Choice?

As Basic As It Will Ever Get
As Basic As It Will Ever Get

The most basic of life’s questions, “Do you have a choice?”

We all have dreams, as grand as ending hunger, or getting a GED.

Or as simple as paying off our mortgage, retiring and watching our grandchildren grow up.

To make these grand or simple dreams come true, we must fight the good fight.

Every day.

And every day we are faced with the choice.

Keep going, or quit.

Never get bored with the basics, even in midlife.

next blog