TED Talk Brene Brown on vulnerability

Brene Brown speaks for 20 minutes at TED, on a simple notion that an idea that intuitively seems inaccurate, is in fact, accurate.

We are all vulnerable.

The two choices in how we use vulnerability determines fear, or joy, in our life.



Intuition is a powerful force. It’s been in place from day (a billion or so years ago) one to keep us alive.

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The World’s Problems

Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires
Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires

Do you know TED – Ideas Worth Sharing?

Adora is a child-speaker prodigy. She is 12, yet speaks with a wsidom that belies her age.

The world’s problems should not be our Families’ heirloom.

What are you doing to clean things up?

It ain’t gonna happen by magic.