Walking where Walt walked (onstage and backstage)

Walt Disney Partners statue in fron of Sleeping Beauty Castle
Walt Disney Partners statue in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle


Walt Disney's Apartment above Disneyland's Fire Department on Main Street
Walt Disney’s Apartment above Disneyland’s Fire Department on Main Street


Mid Life Celebration book at Disneyland
If you can dream it you can do it. – Walt Disney


Walking where Walt walked (onstage and backstage) inspires many people to up their game.

Taking risks is risky.

So is playing it safe.

Our clocks are ticking.

Moving forward with Mid Life Celebration, it seems reasonable to double check our comfort zone.

Consider where we are and do one or both of these:

1. Un-Like Mid Life Celebration’s Facebook page if you’re more comfortable with status quo and playing it safe. Sincere best wishes to you in your life. (Being part of The Herd is a very safe place to be)
2. Ask any of your friends who want to suck the marrow out of life to Like this page. (Seriously, this is the headwaters of a movement)

The Movement is to fully embrace living like we mean it.

Amazing things are possible for each and every one of us, if we have someone who can show us the way.

Mid Life Celebration is that someone.

For example, a year from now we’ll wish we had started today.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Next Blog

Wait, I don’t understand…(seriously, I write 5 different ones every day)

To help others think, smile, and be grateful, I’ve been writing about Life’s (5) Big Choices for nearly three years. At the end of every post is the option to click “Next Blog” – which takes you to the next blog in my chain of five – mind, body, spirit, money and hq. A 90-seconds or less look at work life balance. Everyday.