We know this, and we are the only ones who can decide

Amazon Page Rank Mid Life Celebration
All of a sudden Marketing and hustling become omnipotent (working to break through 100k)


Know what today is?

It’s yesterday’s tomorrow.

Remember yesterday when we said tomorrow?

It’s lonely doing what should be done, when it should be done, whether we feel like it or not.

We know this, and we are the only ones who can decide.

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Still on the fence about reading Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit?

The most invigorating tactic to make progress

stop preparing and start doing… see what happens… you will start to blossom

The most invigorating tactic to make progress. Stop. Preparing.

Stop preparing to live.
Stop preparing to get organized.
Stop preparing to be courageous.
Stop preparing to take risks you have always wanted to.

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