A milestone in 2022: 62 days in Glacier National Park. Previous record was 50 days – in 2021 (and in 2020).
Oh, that’s right, resolutions always never work.
But you’re reframing that.
Resolutions always work.
We must become comfortable knowing that resolve takes time.
We must also become comfortable that belief morphs into faith, faith morphs into action, action transforms into commitment, and commitment blossoms into purpose.
Didn’t reach 22 years of sobriety overnight.
The original act was simply to make December 31 the first day without a single drop of alcohol.
The next act was to repeat that accomplishment (an entire 24-hour period without a drop of alcohol) a second consecutive day.
Pro tip for 2023: Pick a calendar date that has an inspiring personal narrative. Hint: January 1 resolutions are bad karma.
Personal examples: Have used April Fools Day, Tax Day (April 15), Halloween, Thanksgiving, and New Years Eve. Personal narrative is amplified when you intentionally pick a memorable and meaningful milestone launch date.
April Fools Day – began blogging
April 15 (Tax day) – began running one-mailbox-a-day
Halloween – retired from Disney (scary)
Thanksgiving – announced my first book was published
New Years Eve – quit drinking on world’s biggest drinking day
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
Jody Maberry’s head is barely visible lower left. Our event photographer is in PIXAR shirt, and me sitting on the sidewalk outside the former Disney Institute main studio.
Record like you mean it.
Reflecting this morning on the 48-hour eve of Season 3, Episode 3 release on February 7, 2020.
Jody Maberry and i have recorded over 50 episodes and yet publicly on iTunes, only two show.
If Disney Ran Your Life may not change the world, but i have no doubt it can change someone’s world.
It did mine.
Maybe yours.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
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