Every man, save one – the dying man, thinks they’re immune from the ticking clock. This could very well be my last summer. Will I have the positive and present attitude to pursue it with grace, gusto, and humility?
Will you?
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Every man, save one – the dying man, thinks they’re immune from the ticking clock. This could very well be my last summer. Will I have the positive and present attitude to pursue it with grace, gusto, and humility?
Will you?
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Every blogger fears rejection at some point. Wait, every person fears rejection at some point. What if we ask a question and no one answers? Or the answer isn’t what we expected? Then what?
Insight: The best way to find things out is to try things. Like this post.
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